Wednesday 23 May 2007

on your birthday you shall die...only on bombay roads!

wednesday morning, few hours past midnight, driving in their silver honda city, the Karias ram into a street light pole and die on the spot. the couple was celebrating 23-year-old Mrs. Karia's birthday and after dinner, was returning home to malad. 'had they fastened their seat belts, they would have not died'. this is what they wrote in the newpapers and this is what the police said. however, no one speaks of why the accident occured.

well, so it was that the couple was driving back home along with two other friends in the honda city. Mr. Karia was driving a little above 100 kmph, when the car zipped over a deep pot hole on the road. the chain of the steering wheel snapped and Mr. Karia lost control. The front portion of the car was totally smashed. The other two friends escaped with minor injuries.

bombay roads. every day i see it and i feel it calls for death every instant. and our civic authorities are not bothered about our lives, as long as they are making enough money from the taxes that we pay.

forget great roads, all i'd love to see are roads with no potholes. wonder if i'll live to see it ever.

1 comment:

Chrisann said...

its ver scary
As I mentioned before I'm constantly afraid I'll die in traffic