Monday, 21 May 2007

i'm on a road to kill

a few evenings ago, it was 1979. smashing pumkins' hit from early 90s. timeless classic. overall, in a good mood, i travelled homewards. thoughts soon flooded into my dizzzy head and in a brief while i was floating in the midst of anguish and humour. i saw freedom as the only answer to it. to all (do i hear your thoughts, as you are reading this: "what is he talking about"?) ok i was dizzy in the head, so bear with me. but there was on thing clear: my freedom. but from what? maybe from the corroded roads of bombay; from the infrastructural handicap of our country; from the disillusioned, greedy, uneducated, bullying politicians. they affect my life everyday. while our country's economy is growing rapidly, with equal rapidity our infrastructure's falling apart...and then, i suddenly woke up from my thoughts to my rickshawala's daring act: he almost got himself, his rick and me crushed between 2 ricks and a car on the left and 4 cars on the right. soon, my thoughts shifted from the political babus to the bihari ones, riding the autos. both these babus are equally disgusting. they follow no rules; they are not trustworthy...not worthy of anything at all; both chew paan and those who don't, chew on indian citizen's money...the political babus make promises every year of bettering the roads and leave them with few more potholes. what makes it worst are the babus from bihar, who unleash their menace on these road-to-kill roads.
zigzagging, i reached the gates of my home, most importantly in one piece and for that moment, my freedom from the rick was good enough for me.

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