Friday, 12 January 2007

the 2nd big impact cometh!


Chrisann said...

hai hai I'll be 36!!!
refuse to die becoz a rock hit me

ra said...

lol. lol.
dude that reminds me, remember the stuff that i had some years ago , you kno for the promo? well, if i do anything of the sort again, i'll storyboard it and send it across...
im thinkin wit rajnibhai kickin the rock away, if he decides to take a dump, its gonna be like pic 2, eh? what say?

ra said...

oh yeah, when a rock hit i bled.

ra said...


ra said...

chris daughtry - its not over. check it out. bald guy from american idol 2006. powerful voice. great lyrics.
your pirate friend.....get me band names dude

Chrisann said...

chris my namesake...
he was very HOT!