Tuesday 23 February 2010

paragliding weekend at sheilar, India

flying for the first time at Sheilar, near Kamshet, India was a liberating experience indeed. The longish ridge that provides for constant flow of soft and sweet wind gives your wings the perfect lift. It was my first flight after completing CP course at Nirvana Adventures. At a height of nearly 1500 ft above the take-off spot, which itself is around 120mts from ground level everything changes: a view very few humans are naturally born to enjoy; serenity that birds don't share with the land crawlers; liberating solitude; enveloping sky; stress-busting smell of pure nothingness; and a sense of life that's worth living. When I joined Nirvana Adventures school of paragliding, India's leading school and, must admit, my second home, little did I know that it would teach me to respect nature immensely. I certainly look forward to flying around the world some day.


Richie said...

yea ... shelar is fabulous. with its long ridge, in ideal wind conditions, i wouldn't be surprised if a person who launches himself with a blanket gets lifted... however a glider is always recommended :P

u did not mention ur wingovers.. i'm sure u enjoyed executing it.

krashwin said...

yea, the wingover was a surprise, yet a welcome element. Sorren started wingovers far away from the rigde, and i heard sandeep informing ravi about it. then, i had heard shinchan's over the radio requesting ravi to help him do wingovers. then, i heard kunal's voice, then arun's...bloody hell i would have been a bum to be flying there and being the only one not learning to do the wingovers...it's an amazing feeling...sometimes you feel weighless and then next moment you are heavy like a bull...u should try it next time...