Wednesday 20 June 2007

googling is addictive

talk about the cyber space. we have yahoo! a brand with highest recall value. nearly a decade later, after creating its niche of users, which could easily be the population of a mid-sized nation, has yahoo! lost its edge to google? Although, yahoo! still retains it high recall value as a brand, we have google ruling the roost with higher usage.

while i've been using yahoo! since 1998 and an avid user at that, i've subliminally begun to prefer google. i've used yahoo! search and have had no complaints, however, today, if i've to search, i google (don't know when this switch happened); before joining orkut (which i'm out of now), i'd myself in yahoo! 360 degrees (which lay unused); i've got yahoo! answers, which is a kind of search, but more people-oriented (where real people answer your questions) than google's algorithmic search (yet its been long since i've used it). yahoo! mail has been my fav for years now, and yet i, as if guided by some unseen force, logs into gmail; yahoo! messenger has no competition with its features and smilies (google talk still has to make a dent there)...

however, broadly google has affected my life the way yahoo! had nearly a decade ago. can't figure out how and why. and all this while my fingers have been pouring these words on blogger...again google!

1 comment:

Chrisann said...

I google random words and hit I'm feeling lucky
this is what I do for fun